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COVID-19 Notice - Standard Ground Regulations

COVID-19 Notice - Standard Ground Regulations

*Please note: To minimise risk for all attendees of PGA European Tour golf events and to prioritise your safety and wellbeing, PGA European Tour are implementing a heightened safety environment around the Event Venue. *

The following measures will be in place until further notice:

**No person shall enter the Venue if:
that person or anyone in that person’s household (including support bubbles): has or develops any COVID-19 symptoms; and/or are/is required to self-isolate; and/or
*lives in an area where there is a local lockdown in place at the time of the Event; and/or that person is subject to other restrictions which mean they cannot travel to or from or attend the Event.

PGA European Tour reserves the right to require the contact details of each person entering the Venue and / or otherwise attending the Event in order to comply with NHS Test and Trace (or local equivalent) requirements. Each person entering the Venue and / or otherwise attending the Event must be able to confirm the contact details provided with acceptable photo ID on request, otherwise that person may not be permitted entry into the Venue. PGA European Tour reserves the right to implement such other measures as may be reasonably necessary to ensure compliance with any and all local and national government guidance relating to COVID-19.**Venue

All tickets and accreditation devices permitting access to the Venue are issued, subject to terms and conditions for entry, as set out herein, or as further amended by PGA European Tour from time to time. ENTRY TO THE VENUE SHALL BE DEEMED TO CONSTITUTE UNQUALIFIED ACCEPTANCE OF ALL THESE REGULATIONS.

All capitalised terms used shall have the meanings given to them below:

“Authorised Person/s” means all Event management, Venue management, Police, public bodies and agencies responsible for safety and security in connection with the Event and their representative staff, officials, representatives, officers and marshals acting on behalf of PGA European Tour (or any of its subsidiary companies) as event organiser.

“Event” means the Senior Open presented by Rolex at Sunningdale Golf Club, England, from 22nd to 25th July 2021.

“Venue” means the entire premises where the Event is being held including all adjacent and surrounding areas used or controlled by PGA European Tour (or any of its subsidiary companies) in connection with the staging of the Event.

  1. Persons will only be permitted to enter and remain within the Venue, or to enter and remain within demarcated areas within the Venue, upon presentation of a valid ticket or accreditation device issued by or on behalf of PGA European Tour. Notwithstanding persons being in possession of any ticket or accreditation device, such permission remains at the discretion of PGA European Tour management at all times.
  2. PGA European Tour or any Authorised Person shall retain the right, at all times, to permit or prohibit the re-admission to the Venue of any person or persons who have previously purchased a valid entry ticket and who have entered and subsequently left the Venue.
  3. All persons seeking to enter and remain within the Venue must comply with any and all instructions and decisions given by PGA European Tour or any Authorised Person. No person shall unreasonably obstruct the viewing of other spectators. Spectators are not guaranteed an uninterrupted and/or uninhibited view of the Event, nor is any representation or warranty given as to the quality, content or duration of the Event.
  4. All persons seeking entrance into the Venue, or to demarcated areas within the Venue, acknowledge PGA European Tour’s right, and/or any Authorised Person’s right to search any person and their belongings, whether outside or inside the Venue, and to refuse entry into or eject from the Venue any person refusing to submit to such a search or any person in whose possession suspicious or inappropriate objects are found or any person in possession of objects which might be a risk to the safety of other persons, the holder, or that might affect the enjoyment of other persons or the running of the Event.
  5. Tickets and accreditation devices are issued by or on behalf of PGA European Tour for the use by the ticket or accreditation device holder only. Neither tickets nor accreditation devices are transferrable and may not be offered for sale or exchange without the prior written consent of PGA European Tour. Any tickets or accreditation devices offered for sale or exchange may be confiscated by PGA European Tour or any Authorised Person. PGA European Tour or any Authorised Person reserves the right to refuse admission to or eject from the Venue (or any demarcated part of the Venue) any person who is suspected of having transferred or is in receipt of a transferred ticket or accreditation device in contravention of the Event ticket or accreditation terms and conditions. All tickets and accreditation devices remain the property of PGA European Tour as Event organiser at all times.
  6. Where an age concession is claimed, proof of identity and age may be requested by PGA European Tour or an Authorised Person.
  7. Responsibility for minors or other vulnerable persons brought to the Venue remains at all times with a parent or guardian, as appropriate.
  8. Persons entering the Venue do so in acknowledgement of the general risks associated with the game of golf, including risks associated with errant golf shots by any golf player, playing on any day, and those relating to attending a sporting competition in a golf course environment exposed to the natural elements. By entering the Venue in acknowledgement of these risks, all persons accept their own personal general responsibilities to protect themselves and others from risks so far as is reasonably practicable, in particular by wearing footwear and clothing appropriate for weather and ground conditions.
  9. Any person displaying behaviour which, in the sole opinion of PGA European Tour or an Authorised Person is, or could be considered to be, dangerous, offensive, a nuisance or annoyance to any other persons at the Event (including spectators or any other persons) may have their right of admission withdrawn and the person may be ejected from the Venue.
  10. Access to the playing areas of the golf course is not generally permitted to spectators without lawful authority or excuse. Any person entering playing areas or other restricted areas of the Venue, as delineated by rope-line, barrier or other similar means of demarcation may be arrested and/or ejected from the Venue.
  11. PGA European Tour and/or any Authorised Person reserves the right, at any time, to eject from the Venue any person who fails to comply with published terms and conditions for entry or whose presence, in the sole opinion of PGA European Tour or any Authorised Person, is, or could reasonably be construed as being, a source of danger, nuisance or annoyance to any other person.
  12. Right of admission to the Venue, and to demarcated areas within the Venue, is reserved at the discretion of PGA European Tour. Where admission is refused or the bearer is ejected from the Venue and/or demarcated areas for any reason whatsoever, no refund shall be payable.
  13. Tickets must be retained by ticket holders at all times whilst inside the Venue. Tickets must be produced for inspection at Venue entry points and/or at any location inside the Venue, on demand, by PGA European Tour or any Authorised Person.
  14. In the event of the postponement or abandonment of the Event, refunds (if any) should be claimed in accordance with the ticket terms and conditions published by or on behalf of PGA European Tour. PGA European Tour, as the Event organiser, will have no other liability whatsoever, including (but not limited to) any direct or indirect consequential loss or damage, such as (but not limited to) loss of enjoyment or travel costs.
  15. By entering the Venue, all persons are acknowledging that photographic images and/or video recordings (and/or stills taken from video recordings) may be taken of them and may also be used by PGA European Tour for marketing and promotional purposes. Entry into the Venue is confirmation that all persons have consented to such use of their image. If these images should feature an individual prominently, PGA European Tour will make reasonable efforts to gain the consent of that person before publishing such images, however, if this is not possible, entry into the Venue shall be deemed consent unless the PGA European Tour is notified in writing to the contrary.
  16. Further to paragraph 15, if such person is under 18 years of age, the parent, guardian or responsible adult who is accompanying them into the Venue shall be deemed to have provided consent on their behalf.
  17. Images (whether still or moving) taken with a camera, mobile phone or other electronic device cannot be used for any purpose other than for private and domestic purposes. You must not sell, license, publish (including, without limitation, via social media sites) or otherwise exploit photographs, whether for commercial gain or otherwise. PGA European Tour shall own all intellectual property rights in materials taken or recorded in the Venue.
  18. Persons shall not, whilst within the Venue use any electronic device to collect and/or relay any data or information whatsoever relating to the result, progress, conduct or any other aspect of any day’s play for betting activities or any other unlicensed commercial activities.
  19. PGA European Tour operates CCTV cameras in and around the Venue which are monitored and recorded for the purposes of public safety and crime prevention. In accordance with the Data Protection Act, PGA European Tour may itself use, or provide information regarding persons to the authorities where it is necessary for the purposes of prevention or detection of crime and the capture or prosecution of offenders.
  20. No person shall throw or discharge any missile or other article inside the Venue or shall be involved in the display or distribution of any sponsorship, promotional or marketing materials (whether commercial or not) by any person within the Venue without the express written consent of PGA European Tour. Failure to comply may result in ejection from the Venue and, where appropriate, other enforcement measures in line with legislative provisions.
  21. No goods (including literature) of any nature may be offered free or for sale by any persons within the Venue without the express written consent of PGA European Tour.
  22. Threatening, abusive, violent, uncouth or discriminatory behaviour and foul language are strictly forbidden and will result in ejection from the Venue and, where appropriate, enforcement action being taken by relevant authorities.
  23. Interfering or tampering with any equipment, furniture, fitting or other similar infrastructure within the Venue will not be tolerated and will result in ejection from the Venue and, where appropriate, enforcement action being brought by relevant authorities in accordance with legislative provisions.
  24. Mobile telephones and similar communications devices will be permitted within the Venue to the extent that they are used for personal and private use only and in accordance with stipulated rules and requirements published within the Venue by PGA European Tour. Such rules will include:

• All devices must be in SILENT mode at all times.

  • Flash functionality must be switched off.
  • Mobile phone photography for personal use is permitted throughout the week on all areas of the course.

• Mobile phone video capture is allowed in non-competition areas only, such as practice facilities and mobile phone zones.

  • Calls must be placed or received in approved designated ‘Mobile Phone Zones’ only.
  • Subject always to paragraph 18 above, data use (texting, email, using the European Tour app, social media) is permitted at all times.

• The use of mobile telephones, computers, tablets or other electronic devices, communication devices or audio-visual equipment must not inconvenience any other person in the Venue.

Mobile devices that are used in contravention of this policy will have to be surrendered to an Authorised Person or the person using them will be required to leave the Venue.

  1. Smoking of any kind, including the use of electronic (e-) cigarettes, is prohibited on all temporary structures erected for the purposes of accommodation and viewing, including grandstand and marquee structures. Otherwise, smoking will only be permitted within the grounds of the Venue in compliance with legislative provisions and with instructions issued by PGA European Tour. Such instructions may be amended, at any time, for the purposes of ensuring the safety and security of all persons attending the Event. Anyone who fails to stop smoking when requested by PGA European Tour or any Authorised Person will be ejected from the Venue.
  2. The consumption of intoxicating liquors is permitted within designated areas and during hours decided by the Event management. PGA European Tour reserves the right to suspend the sale of alcohol and foodstuffs at any time and anyone who, in the reasonable opinion of PGA European Tour or any Authorised Person, has consumed too much alcohol will be ejected from the Venue.
  3. Defacing or obscuring any notice, advertisement or other article of Event branding is strictly forbidden.
  4. Where pre-allocated seating is provided, persons must only occupy the seats allocated to them by their ticket (or similar means). Persons must not occupy any other reserved seat without the prior expressed permission or instruction from an Authorised Person. No person may stand in seating areas while play is in progress. The obstruction of gangways, access-ways, exits, entrances or staircases, congregating in non-designated areas or seeking entry to structures or seats for which the purchaser does not hold a valid ticket is strictly forbidden. The climbing of walls, fences, temporary structures or any other buildings in the Venue is strictly forbidden. Any such behaviour may result in ejection from the Venue and/or further enforcement action being taken in line with legislative provisions.
  5. No pets or animals, except for guide dogs, may be brought into the Venue.
  6. The following items are prohibited from being brought into the Venue and PGA European Tour or any Authorised Person shall refuse entry, or eject from the Venue, anyone who is found to have brought such items into the Venue:
  7. Ladders, (including stepladders); boxes; crates, including folding crates and other similar items intended to be used to achieve an elevated viewing position.
  8. Items which are or, in the opinion of PGA European Tour or any Authorised Person, could be used as weapons, including firearms, knives, sticks etc.
  9. Pyrotechnic devices; fireworks or explosives; smoke canisters; incendiary devices; flares; klaxons; compressed gas horns or other similar items.
  10. Musical instruments; megaphones; PA systems; or other similar items used for amplification or broadcast.
  11. Model aircraft; drones; kites or other similar airborne craft/item.
  12. Bicycles, scooters and other ride-on equipment, except those required to be used as mobility aids by registered persons with mobility impairment.
  13. Wheeled objects, including skateboards, skates (including in-line skates) and other unauthorised sporting goods.
  14. Any objects or clothing bearing commercial identification, images or statements which, in the opinion of PGA European Tour, may be used for ambush marketing or other similar unauthorised promotional purposes.
  15. Alcoholic beverages and foodstuffs (except those permitted at the discretion of PGA European Tour); drugs (except prescription drugs) or other illegal or legal highs.
  16. Items which, in the reasonable opinion of PGA European Tour or an Authorised Person, could potentially harm, cause alarm, upset or offence to other attendees at the Event.
  17. Leaflets or other promotional materials.
  18. Failure to observe and abide by these Regulations shall constitute a breach of contract and may result in ejection from the Venue and/or demarcated areas, cancellation or confiscation of the holder’s ticket or accreditation device and/or enforcement action being taken in line with legislative provisions.