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Peter's Wish completed at Killarney

Peter's Wish completed at Killarney

Local youngster Peter McEnery's 3 Irish Open Wish was completed on the final day of the event at Killarney Golf and Fishing Club.

Peter had the honour of congratulating and having his picture taken with the newly-crowned 3 Irish Open Champion, Ross Fisher, on the 18th Green of the Killeen Course.

The third and final part of Peter's Wish was to meet and watch the multitude of stars of The European Tour compete over the golf course he knows all too well as Peter is a member of the club, along with his parents John and Trish.

Peter enjoyed a prime viewing area at the back of the 18th green, called "Peter's Place", which enabled him to see the action unfold and Ross Fisher hole the winning putt.

This part of the wish followed on from Peter being given his dream set of clubs by the Equipment Companies that sponsor many of the professionals, and him playing in the Pro-Am with Padraig Harrington, as a special member of Padraig's team.

Peter was introduced to Ross and his other golfing heros over the course of the week, as Graeme McDowell, Justin Rose, Darren Clake, Matteo Manserro, Shane Lowry, Rory McIlroy and Paul McGinley all took the time to have their picture taken and autographed a souvenir for Peter, with the picture of the new 3 Irish Open Champion and the trophy completing what had been a memorable week for the youngster with Cystic Fibrosis.

In addition to granting Peter's Wish, 3, the title sponsor of the Irish Open, the Tour Players' Foundation, the charitable arm of the European Tour, its Members and other companies such as the Official Clothing Supplier and Padraig Harrington's clothing sponsor Kartel, enable various fundraising activities during the week for Make-A-Wish, Ireland, so they can continue to grant wishes to children and young people with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions.

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